09/10/23 - Potential Magical Waste Hazard!
It has recently come to my attention that many people seem to be having dreams about the forest I call home.
As we all know, my forest is incredibly deadly and off limits to anyone without an invitation from me personally.
If you find yourself having dreams about my forest and/or any of its contents, please contact me immediately at azzytheimmortal@gmail.com !
Please make sure to include your name, age, gender, height, contact telephone number, home address, and any people who may miss you if you were to go missing, in the contents of your email so that I can take a look into this very serious incident!Ciao for now~
21/09/23 - Raffle now open!
It's that time of year once again! Click the link below for your chance to win a blessing (or curse)

This year's raffle marks our 50th year of Azzy's Wizard Raffle! Thanks to everyone who's stuck with us all these years as we give out blessings and curses indiscriminately to everyone who asks! Just call me Santa the way I'm giving out all these gifts!
Because it's such a special time, this year you will even have the chance to recieve an additional blessing/curse/item from my dearest apprentice Naoise. (While stocks last.)
Entries will remain open until 01/12/23
As always we take no responsibility for any upset, injury, or loss of life. Please enter the raffle at your own risk and do not try to get even if you get a bad fortune. We all saw what happened to John the Ornery back in 2012, so unless you want to end up like him please just deal with whatever you get until next year. First time entries are free, but entries on following years will be subject to fees.
20/08/23 - Statement
Following recent events I would like to reiterate that my blood is officially copyrighted, and any attempts to let/draw/drink or otherwise remove said blood from my body will be considered magical copyright infringement - which as we all know according to Wizard Law is punishable by death.
I have spent the best part of 500 years perfecting my longevity, and I do not take kindly to certain sneaky individuals trying to steal my hard work. Not only is it unfair to me, it is also unfair to my apprentice, who must deal with my irritation on a daily basis.
Not only this, but it is unfair to you my dear reader, as you will learn the true meaning of pain when your bones decide they would like to leave your body via your anus and go join the skeleton war.
Do you care? Do you care? Do you care? Do you care?
As always this does not apply to the vast majority of my readers, who know Wizard Law well enough to not even try.
To those of you this message does not apply to: I wish you a wonderful day full of magic and whimsy. :)
17/07/2023 - Necromancy Update
Well guy's it's been a week of hard work for sure but we're finally here!
Today is the day we attempt the hereforeto unheard of act of drawin a soul from another universe and placing it into a doll body!
Our doll has been specially commissioned from the kind folks at L'Orchestre Rouge (yes that l'orchestre rouge) and seems to be a very good likeness of the subject, minus some aesthetic damage the subject had in life. I really can't fault them for the excellent craftsmentship though, even if dollmaking is a waste of magical talent! :)

Here's a quick look at the alter site before preparation! Should be just enough room for the donor body!
For the results of the experiment and steps on how to do your own summonings please check out my patreon!
(Please remember this kind of magic is highly illegal and not advised by the high courts.)